Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Words! (is Cheap!)

[from the theatre department...]

You are cordially invited to attend "WORDS!" presented by the NVCC Theatre Department in the PLAYBOX Theatre.

Performance dates and times are:

Thursday, April 2nd at 3:00 PM- THIS IS FREE!!! (seating limited, first come, first served)
Friday, April 3rd at 7:30 PM- tickets are $1.00! (what a bargain!)
Saturday, April 4th at 7:30 PM- tickets are $1.00

The show is about WORDS! Where did they come from? What are they? What do we use them for? In the show, we will present two original short plays, poetry, some mildly offensive jokes, deathbed quotations, scenes from classic literature and, of course, some Shakespeare. Much of the show is original. Lots of students helped put it together! Come be a part of something new!

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