Monday, April 20, 2009

Argumentative Essay Resources

Research: Electronic Databases

Opposing Viewpoints

SIRS Knowledge Source

Facts on File: Issues and Controversies

Advanced Google Searching for Stats
  • go to
  • click Advanced Search
  • enter your search terms
  • limit your domain to .gov
The results will be government websites on your topic, which are a great source for statistics and other basic information. See the librarian if you need more assistance!

Citation Resources

The library provides handbooks on citations. In addition, you can check out the full MLA Handbook from the library (call number is LB 2369 .G53 2003). Finally, a great web resource for citations is Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL).

Monday, April 13, 2009

National Library Week- Day One

It's National Library Week! As part of the celebration, Proquest (a database company) is offering free access to three of its databases. Here is the info, from Proquest- no log in is required!

To celebrate libraries and the world of information they provide--ProQuest
is offering *free, open access* to three of our most popular student

-- CultureGrams: local experts document the culture and daily life
of the world's peoples--from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

high-quality, high-interest, and highly usable full text and
multimedia aligned
to over 20,000 most-studied topics.

Discoverer: safe,
kid-friendly online discovery environment for young
learners from elementary to
middle school.

Happy Library Week!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grammar Resources

Online resources:
OWL (Online Writing Lab) Handouts: Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

Capital Community College Guide to Grammar and Writing

Grammar Bytes (this one is FUN! Seriously. Try it.)

Grammar Podcasts from the "Grammar Girl" (we also have the book: Call Number PE 1112 .F613 2008)

Other Books:

Good grief, good grammar / Dianna Booher
Grammar smart : a guide to perfect usage / the staff of the Princeton Review
and more...
and a movie! .
Eight parts of speech Video PE 1112 .E44 2000