- The study area to the right of the circulation desk. There are two big tables over there, plus the two study rooms. Ask at the circ desk to be let in.
- The back hallway of the 5th floor. This is my favorite spot in the library. There are lots of windows, huge plants, and big comfy chairs. If I were you, I'd go there. Right now.
- The room all the way to the right on the 5th floor (L524). Its a huge study room with tables and study carrels (desks with sides). 98% of the time it's totally empty.
- L501 (across the hall on the 5th floor) is another quiet study area. There is a good signal for laptops in this room.
- The main reference area. There are the computers, but there are also tables and study carrels, and comfy chairs. This area is mainly quiet, but occasionally gets a little rowdy.
- L523, the electronic classroom. Sometimes it's quiet, but often there are people hanging out in there. Its the funnest part of the library, and my office is there too, so you can wave hi to me.
Okay, so go study! Get straight A's! Best of luck to you!