Monday, December 17, 2007

Finally it's finals!

So, it's finals week! And it seems to be NOT snowing! If you're looking for a place to study, the library is where it's at. Here's a little breakdown of the best spots in the library to go:

  • The study area to the right of the circulation desk. There are two big tables over there, plus the two study rooms. Ask at the circ desk to be let in.
  • The back hallway of the 5th floor. This is my favorite spot in the library. There are lots of windows, huge plants, and big comfy chairs. If I were you, I'd go there. Right now.
  • The room all the way to the right on the 5th floor (L524). Its a huge study room with tables and study carrels (desks with sides). 98% of the time it's totally empty.
  • L501 (across the hall on the 5th floor) is another quiet study area. There is a good signal for laptops in this room.


  • The main reference area. There are the computers, but there are also tables and study carrels, and comfy chairs. This area is mainly quiet, but occasionally gets a little rowdy.
  • L523, the electronic classroom. Sometimes it's quiet, but often there are people hanging out in there. Its the funnest part of the library, and my office is there too, so you can wave hi to me.

Okay, so go study! Get straight A's! Best of luck to you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

myCommNet works!!

The time has arrived! You can now access library databases from off campus (or wireless) by going to myCommNet and visiting the library tab. No more two passwords and two user names! If you have any problems, please contact the library to let us know, either by posting a comment here, emailing us, or calling the reference desk at 575-8244. Don't forget, though, that if you don't know the answer to your security question, you need to go to the records office to have that reset. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Remote (at home) access to the library down this week

As the college gets myCommNet up and running, students will not be able to access the library databases from home. The good news is, once myCommNet is up, you will be able to access databases through the library tab, and it will look just like it does when you come here, to the library. You will not have to enter your Banner ID and pin to get in, just your user name ( and your 8-or-more character password (thats the one with uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers or symbols). It's going to be easier. We swear. You can come complain to me, Jaime Hammond, if you're getting stressed out about it. The library is here to help!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Notorious L.I.B.!

Exciting reference books- is that an oxymoron?
Not in our library! We have just added some reference books that will make your Library Quest assignment much more interesting. The "Notorious Lives" series is a brand new encyclopedia of gangsters, mobsters, and various unsavory characters.

If you're looking for a slightly more tame subject, we've also added "Manga: the complete guide" to the reference shelves. We're adding manga and anime books to the circulating collection as well, so come check them out (literally)!

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Humanities e-Book collection at the library

The library has acquired a new humanities e-book that is available for use. This electronic resource includes over 1700 full-text, cross-searchable books in the humanities selected by scholars for their continuing importance for research and teaching.

Areas include: African, American, Asian, Latin American, European (Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern), Middle Eastern, World/Comparative, Byzantine/Mediterranean and Australasian/Oceanian history, plus history of the Native Peoples of the Americas and of Science and Technology.

Lists of titles can be found online at:, or browsed at

Thanks to Alison Wang, Head of Tech Services, for bringing this great resource to the Naugatuck Valley Community College library!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Oral History Website!!!

Did you ever wonder why the highway sign for NVCC says "Naugatuck Valley Higher Education Center?" Or where those drawings in on the 7th floor of Kinney came from? Liz Frechette, Oral History librarian, has spent countless hours interviewing and transcribing the stories of Naugatuck Valley Community College and its inception, the merger, and much more. You will be surprised, inspired and excited about NVCC- check it out at

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Recycling in the library

You might notice lots of blue recycling bins on campus when you return this fall. NVCC has restarted their white paper recycling program, and the library has been fully stocked with recycling bins. Please place any unwanted paper in the bins, and know that you're making a difference!

Friday, August 24, 2007

A great new service

The new Library Blog can be seen as another tool for helping you with your research and for getting to know Library services and staff. It fits into our overall goal of supporting teaching and learning at the College and of providing students, faculty and staff with resources that are accessible using state-of-the-art retrieval methods. The whole Library staff is proud to offer this new service and hopes that you will find it useful.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What's New in Circulation- from Elaine Milnor, Circulation Supervisor

Need a USB drive? Borrow one from the NVCC Library! NVCC students, faculty and staff are welcome to borrow a 512 MB USB drive for up to 7 days. Check it out at the library's Main Circulation Desk!

Friday, July 20, 2007

This fall, in library instruction

It'll be a little tough. Added to the usual confusion over Net ID & password, will be the implementaion of Vista, and the crossover in November to the new access, look & feel of the homepage, etc., but we'll get through it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007